Sunday, September 11, 2011

Political News

Howdy neighbors, it's been a while. I've been enjoying the summer, swimming, cycling, and developing smartphone apps. Well, things haven't sat still in the interim. We've got an upcoming ward committeeman election and it looks like it's between Alderman Sposato and Ward Organization pick, lawyer Larry Andolino. But there's a big glitch coming down the pike. A ward remap is in the works and Russ Stewart has speculated that the northwest neighborhoods astride Irving and Cumberland (Belmont Heights, Belmont Terrace, Schorsch Forest View, and/or Irving Woods) might become part of the 38th ward. The remap might happen after the committeeman election and that's going to complicate things.

Side note. I'm a big huge Alderman Sposato fan but I'm a little disappointed to see that his website was created by a St. Louis web development firm. It would have been great (actually, crucial, especially as a signal for local economic development) if a web development firm in the ward had been hired. Are there any? I do happen to be very personally acquainted a web developer in Belmont Heights....

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