Monday, January 10, 2011

Let’s build cities for people (not cars)

From a fascinating article on population size, urban planning and future cities, "Let’s build cities for people (not cars)":

"The suburb/city with its inefficient, hugely distributed systems of pipes, wires, and pavement stretching toward the horizon was powered by artificially cheap energy."
"Today’s cities have dense urban centers ringed by ever-expanding, car-dependent, undifferentiated miles of inefficient urban and suburban sprawl. This structure is environmentally unsustainable and not conducive to pleasurable human activity. We need to break up that sprawl into a galaxy of cities, towns, and villages. Doing so would free up vast swaths of land for parks, agriculture, and wildlife, all of which would be easily accessible to people without having to resort to long, slow, polluting car rides. "

(Hey, didn't I basically say this a week ago? Yep, I did!)

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